Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I smell fish...

Dinner tonight was tuna in water, drained, with 3 grape tomatoes sliced, some salt/pepper and a little mayonnaise. I scooped it up with some pork rinds, the crunch was nice, but the combination was a little unexpected. I don't think I like tuna with an undertone of pork... :)

I'm making sure I am drinking plenty of fluids, at least 80 ounces a day.

What am I grateful for?  Today, it's my loving supportive husband.


  1. Don, my Dear Friend, I applaud you for starting this journey ....I will be happy to follow you and support you for I want you to be healthy and happy and a part of my life for a long time to come.
    BIG HUGS and LOVE, Your Galpal( aka:Carol)

  2. Don, we are so proud of you for taking this brave step out of the Diet Closet! And we are honored as your "family of friends" that you have opened yourself up to us so we can help you. We certainly will lend our complete support and love to help you! It sounds like you are off to a great start on this venture. Please keep on bloggin' so we can hear how you are doing - we'll check in every day!
    Love and big hugs from both of us, Jeanne & Lara

  3. Carol, Jeanne and Lara.. I really appreciate all your support. I will Blog at least once a day, or more. My cousin may as well if she can figure out how to get onto the system. I love my extended family... all of you!


  4. I found my way and these notes warm my heart, you are very fortunate to have so much love and support from you're husband and friends!

    I wanted to tell you that, you could and should have oils, don't be afraid of them, good oils are exactly what we need in combination with so much protein...don't be afraid to fry in good oil or use on salads or tuna in's all good.
