Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Top o' the Mornin' to ya...

Oh what a day....I got up this morning and felt sooooo good. My ankle is beginning to hurt less and my pants are baggy....I'm wearing a top that I usually can't get past my shoulders, you know, the top, the one you throw across the room when you become so frustrated because it's tooo damn tight? Yeah, that top! hahahaha...yes!

I had a shake this morning after my cup o' coffee and then had 2 scrambled eggs with some grated cheese and spicy salsa on top...yummm!

Dinner is going to be a delicious tuna salad, come hell or high water, I'm gonna have my tuna ;)
and of course a beautiful green salad with a few nuts, a hard boiled egg and real bacon crumbles...Mmmmmm!! I will most likely have the strawberries that are left-mental note to get more in-with whipped cream.

This is amazing, I feel like I am becoming the me I was meant to be. Be Back Later!


  1. You ARE becoming who you are meant to be! Great meal plan for today! Congrats on the milestones with the blouse and how your feeling physically. Love and hugs .. Don

  2. Hi Sunny...did you have your Tuna,the waters getting higher out
    I watched the "Barefoot Contessa" show tonight(my favorite cooking show)..she prepared a tuna salad and I thought of you.
    Grilled tuna steak( 1-2 min on each side)lightly brushed w/ olive oil little sea salt/pepper.Set aside to cool....make dressing of 1/4 cup evoo,1/3 cup lime juice,2tsp soy sauce,4-5 dash Tobasko sauce,mix together add 1 cut up avacado to dressing...cut tuna into bite size pieces,add 3 cut up scallions and pour dressing mix w/ avacado over the tuna,serve ontop of 2-3 lettuce leaves.Looked yummy!Hope you don't mind the suggestion.
    Have a good that foot.Hugs,Galpal

  3. Now that sounds delicious! You know I will buy a tuna steak and make that for myself, thank you!! And yes, I did have my tuna salad wrapped in romaine lettuce leaves tonight, I am stuffed!! drinking a cup of coffee now and have my berries later....what a wonderful thing it is to have people who really care. Thanks again, Galpal!! Love and hugs to you all,
