Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Support Means a Lot...

My dinner didn't turn out as planned.
Frank (my husband) came home and immediately began to nag about a bed not being made and then went on about some other i$$ues. (major eye roll) I have not been on top of things around the house much because I have my leg in a supportive "air boot" all day because of a torn achilles tendon and it is difficult at best to do the things I normally do.

However, this doesn't seem to be a factor for him. My doctor would surely freak if he even knew that I went into the kitchen at that point and put the ravioli's in the pot and plated up the meatballs, sausage and made a salad. (the sauce was already made and warming) My doctor and I agreed that I would keep off of my ankle until it healed....I forgot to factor in the fact that I have very little support here. It seems that if you're not bleeding excessively or have tubes attached to your nose and mouth, you're pretty much ok.

I immediately went to lay down, as my ankle was absolutely throbbing, and I fell asleep.
It is now 8:13 and I am starving, but I just don't feel like preparing anything and will probably have a shake and some berries.

This was probably more information that I should have posted, but it's my journal and I am treating it as such.

My point is, support is everything! It means a lot to have my gusband ask how my day was... or maybe tell me I look like I'm losing or "wow, look at your toe ring!!" *wink* or making life just a little bit happy for the short time he's here before going to the next job...I see the man for 10 minutes to a half hour everyday and it's the most miserable part of my day.

Sorry, this is turning into a novel. But I needed to vent.



  1. Sunny Girl. It sucks that you don't get the support you want or deserve from your husband. It's tough to say anything more than that.. that it REALLY SUCKS.

    Now, we have to find support where we can, in each other, in the village of people who support us on this site, and most of all, through the Daughter, who I know loves and supports you!

    Congratulations on, even through there was stress around you, keeping on track. Good plan for missing the meal, a shake, a bar, some berries.. or a quick egg or two.. always, as you know, good options.

    Hang in there baby...

  2. Hmmmm.....being a "bad girl", I would suggest saying "Glad you had a great day honey, thanks for asking about mine", then " Now go get your own fu%#(NT ravioli!"

    The devil made me do it!

  3. Hi Sunny...sorry you had a tough night...I'm sending tons of healing" White Light" your way for a positive new day tomorrow.
    "Shake"(ha) it off and know that we are here for you too!! Galpal

  4. OMG, I'm headed to bed but stopped in one last time to peek in and I find all this support and love from you, Don!!

    Even my "bad girl" cousin who hardly ever uses the fu%# word! ;) you made me smile, cuz, thanks.

    Galpal, I thank you too from my heart...shakin' it off, babe, shakin' it hard too!
