Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Time to OWN IT...

Well, some therapy here.. and reflection. I am writing this to myself and Sunny Girl.

For years we have been carrying around this weight. We've tried to loose it, lost some, gained more, lost some, gained even more.. and all the time, we carry around the weight, the consequence of our actions

We have excused ourselves by saying... 'Well, I eat because I am bored' or 'I eat when I'm stressed'... or 'I eat to compensate for a crappy childhood'... but in the end.. it's obvious that we KNOW WHY we eat, we just haven't taken the steps to deal with the issues, own the responsibility, and LOOSE IT. 

What we are doing, here and now, is really owning it, probably for the first time in our lives. We are making positive choices, making long term commitments, to each other, in front of our families and our friends... 

In addition to modifying our eating, we really should concentrate on dealing with why we allowed this to happen to us, and what we are going to do to make sure that we are never going to let it happen again.... Again, i say.. it's TIME TO OWN IT.

I am Proud of us.. and that.. I must say.. .is a very good feeling


  1. I am trying to deal with why I allowed this to happen, and I am doing something about it!
    I am worth more than I've been made to feel and I am beginning to understand that it doesn't matter what anyone else's assessment of my worth is, it only matters what I feel, what I know.

    And, I am worthy of being healthy and whole.

  2. Very insightful SG.. and the statement at the end... NO Truer words have ever been typed!
