Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Hello.... Chick-a-dee.....

MMMMMMMmmmmmmm..... is that chicken I smell...
It's a good thing that I'm on a protein diet.. because I LOVE CHICKEN!! I did well today. I had the shake for breakfast and lunch, with a protein bar in between. 

Tonight when I got home, I immediately put the chicken from Pathmark under the broiler to crisp the skin (hold on.. need to wipe the drool off my keyboard...   there.. ok.. ), put some steam-in-a-bag broccoli into the microwave, then took the dogs out. What a yummy dinner.

I stayed COMPLETELY away from the cheese today.. Mongoose, be gone.. .(please, please.. please). I am taking more of my fiber supplement, and will probably have a salad in an hour or so. I've been eating lots more salad, although I don't really like the lettuce that much. GalPal.. I LOVE your legendary salads, though.. because there are more things than just cucumbers and tomatoes in them!

I'm out of strawberries, so no berries tonight. I'll get some more on Friday.

All my friends who have posted.. Thank you so much.... your words and comments, and of course, the everlasting support of Sunny Girl, give me so much strength and support. I can feel that I am being lifted up.. I know that may sound weird, or dramatic, but I really mean it.. I can feel the love...


  1. Feel it baby, 'cause we're bringin' it!!

    Your choices today were excellent and your attitude is unstoppable.

  2. Howdy ...Thanks for the salad compliment buddy,if you aren't a fan of plain ole lettuce and who is, besides rabbits and hamsters,try using baby mixed greens,baby spinach,shredded red cabbage,sliced strawberries,walnuts,sm amt of red onion and a dressing made w/ evoo(extra virgin olive oil)and red wine vinigar.(crumbled crisp bacon can also be added)Enjoy and feel the love!
    Sunny Girl....the flowers are BEAUTIFUL ;)
    Have a good night,Galpal

  3. As a recent acquaintance of mine said on her show....
    "Face, face, face, I give face BEAUTY face...."

    Now give it girls, you're on your way
