Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


On the move...

Good morning everyone.. Yesterday was another successful day. Today I'm off work and have lots of plans. In 1 week I'll be headed for Monpellier France for a week (Business Trip). I found out that I have Wi-Fi in the room at the hotel where I'll be staying so I promise I will be a faithful blogger.. maybe not long ones (because I'll be typing them in on my iPhone)... but I'll post every day. I fly out next Saturday and come back the following Friday. I'm actually excited about the challenge of remaining on 'the road' and know I can do it.

Today I'll go grocery shopping. I think I'll get some Tuna steaks and try the recipe GalPal detailed in her comment post.. Thanks GP. 

My hubby is also off this morning so I'll cook us both omelets and bacon for breakfast, lunch will most likely be a shake and we'll probably go out and get a steak for dinner.

Observation for today... I have so much more ENERGY since I've increased protein and decreased the carbs. I feel great!

Love to all...


1 comment:

  1. A trip to Europe is definitely a challenge, one I know you can face head-on and win. I couldn't be more proud of you for not only following a steady plan, but for facing your past slips and knowing what caused them. Those things are very challenging to do while redirecting your focus on the here and now.
    It's what prompts success, and WE are going to be successful!
