Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


To weigh or not to weigh...

For me... that is the question.

Hi, my name is Don, and I am over 450 pounds (oh my God.. I said it.. my big secret.. ). 

I absolutely know I am loosing weight. My big concern is this... in the past when I have weighed while dieting, I got so focused on weighing and needing to see a reduction every day (I know, you should only weigh once a week at most), that I became obsessed. This led to an emotional roller coster, high when I saw a loss, devastated when I didn't. 

There were two problems with this cycle. First, I shouldn't expect to see a loss every day and second, I shouldn't have been weighing every day. BUT, I couldn't help myself.. the scale was the driving force that was keeping me committed to the plan (that was my worst mistake).

I have thought a lot about this issue, and decided, at least for a while, not to weigh, but rather, look for changes in the way I feel and the way I physically interact with the world. At first they will be small changes, but each sign will be an encouragement to me, and I won't need a seat belt or a barf bag.

For now, not having to 'worry' about weighing has allowed me to just concentrate on being focused and committed, without that 'self imposed' pressure and stress. I will get to the point where I have control over this, and want to start weighing once a week. 

I will, however, within the next few weeks, weigh and post my exact weight, because I do want to know where I started.


  1. Hmmm...I've too much to say here, so off to blog!

  2. I've read both of your "heartfelt" comments this morning...verbalizing those raw feelings in it self is a "weight" off your shoulders,never mind the pounds off your body! What the two of you have accomplished in a just a few short weeks is WONDERFUL,AMAZING.To weigh or not to weigh certainly is a personal matter but if the thought of doing it brings so much doubt&apprehension my advice would be to wait a bit longer....the signs are there for actual pounds lost,you can feel/see them,I can hear them slipping away.Love and Hugs,Galpal
