Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Yesterday's Gone...

As I look forward, and down the road.. I am inspired. So many times in my life I have spent so much time looking back, fretting about the past, letting it effect how I feel, definately letting it effect how I eat... Well, you know what.. Yesterday is GONE... Time to think about tomorrow... No more looking back.

The road ahead looks great. As I progress, I feel better, both physically and mentally. I feel as though I have examined and came to terms with how I got to where I got (fat and unhappy), and it's time to let all those bad feelings go, and get absolutely excited about the future.

I am inspired by my progress, by Sunny's progress, by the acknowledgement I get from the comments our friends have made on this blog, by the support of my friends and collegues, and by my own new-found respect. My respect for myself and for my life.

I'm just damn happy! I know I have developed a strength of purpose that it takes to finish this trip, and at the end... at the end.... well, thinking about how it will be at the end just brings tears of joy to my eyes... Yes..I am excited.


  1. Me too! and I am glad for you as well!

  2. Me three! Looking forward is always a positive sign, especially when looking back has never been good for you. Yesterday IS gone and I say, good riddance!

    Here's to a bright, successful, amazing future! *raises coffee with splenda and half and half* ;)

  3. Toss me into this mix too! Me four!!
