Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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It's Always Time For Change

I've been doing well with my new eating habits, my daily menu and attitude, but I am not feeling very energetic these past few days. I know I talk about it a lot, but my ankle is wreaking havoc with my daily routine and I fear, wearing me down mentally. I'll soon have to begin to think about surgery, (MY WORST NIGHTMARE) I am beginning to believe that I cannot heal this achilles tendon myself, though I am trying. Also, my personal life is in a spin as well, so I am doing damn good considering that the odds are stacked against me.

I had a moment to reflect this morning over my cup of coffee and I though about the whole concept of time, no, I didn't come up with any new theories or mind blowing realizations, but thinking about it did have a calming effect on me. The one thing I've learned is that this is not a diet, it's a lifetime change in eating habits and I've said this before, so excuse me for repeating myself, but time is on my side, because we are constantly changing anyway, it's whether it's for the best or the worst...for me, it's been the best. This is just the natural order of things for me. But I do think that for a lot of people, we reach a certain age, and I am reaching 50 this year, we do finally have to wake up and smell the coffee so to speak......everything you've learned comes into view and begs your action. Well, it did for me, thank goodness.

And you know what...this is like so many other blogs, and for fear of repeating myself, I will simply say that, I continue to do well, I continue to forever change the way I thought about food and exercise and I'm proud that I can stay focused months into this huge change!! I'm being the best "me" that I possibly can. And time will see the ever changing Sunny continue the transformation.


  1. I know what you mean about the energy. Not sure whether it is the diet, stress, age or a combination of all. I turned 50 last year. I find exercise increases my energy now but at first I was exhausted after exercise. I think it was the years of neglect to my body and the chemical changes we go through as we get older. Keep up the great work! You have stayed focused for a long time now, almost 1/3 of the year. You are seeing results in your clothes and that is the best. Your body is reshaping for the better. Big hug.... Peggy

  2. I love your attitude - you have the correct name, that is certain.

    Oh, I didn't realise it was your achilles that was bothering you. Mine was out of action (a tear) for a long time last year and still twinges a bit now and then, but it has repaired all by itself and has held up so far! Fingers crossed for you.

    And well done on the wonderful changes you have made, inside and out.

  3. Hey Peggy, I have to agree with you, all of those things you mentioned are definite factors, but yes, the clothes tell the truth and I couldn't be more satisfied with the changes I've made, thanks so much for commenting, it makes my day!

    Fat[Free]Me...... you mentioned my inside as well as my outside changes, and that tells me so much about your ability to understand me, thank you for taking the time to listen as well as read.
