Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Yes, I am a Couch (dare I say it!!) Potato!!!!

Yep, I decided to get serious after a very busy weekend, and rest my ankle.
Seems I am the only one who goes on a serious weight loss journey and is less active than I was before! I layed on the couch all damn day and let me tell you, it's NOT easy!!! However, just walking to the computer was a very painful endeavor, so it's out of necessity that I am now officially a couch potato! I am staying the course on this journey, but feel no weight loss for weeks, even months now and it is very daunting. I know exercise has to play a role here and I am missing the weight loss boat by miles. I will just have to make it up when and IF I ever heal. I need to stop stressing over it and just relax, put my feet up and veg for a while. Of course I will continue to blog and document my daily meals....It's the only thing that keeps me going at this point.

Back to the couch :(


  1. OH Sunny girl I am the same way too...I do not excerise much, I will walk my dog here and there sometimes. This past week I walked him and fell really hard, a sign I just know it, that I should have stayed on the couch..LOL I don't know why either. I know I need to but I find it such a hard task and I hate it..I like to walk but after I commit to doing it, I get board. I guess it is like the diet thing, it is something I will have to make myself do sooner or later. I just haven't got to the sooner part yet..Have a blessed day,

  2. Is it the achilles injury still? Bummer, I know how painful and debilitating that can be. Can you workout in the swimming pool at all? Also, the walking, have you tried stories on an iPod (I download from Audiobooks)? It keeps me sane, although for a tough workout, LOUD music also helps!

    I think my natural state is couch potato, though (sigh)!

  3. Aw Nan, you and Uncle Don are such an inspiration!!!! You keep up everything you're doing and everything will turn out well. :)
