Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Diligence Pays Off...

I have a 50th birthday party to attend this evening, and I was lamenting over not having a thing to wear. So I looked into my closet and out came the size 22 tops and the size 18 dress pants, (I have always been bigger on the top) now these may seem huge to you, but they're a big step down from 30 tops and 22 pants to me. These are clothes I've had for about 4 or 5 years, when I was much thinner, or so I thought! I tried everything on and one after the other after the other, fit with room to spare :-D I am so elated right now!!!

Just when I thought I was going to stay at this plateau forever, the tides have begun to turn, my diligence is paying off and I am beginning to lose again, yes!!
I will never give up this fight against being fat. I have come too far and learned too much to ever backslide again and besides that, I've never felt this level of dedication to anything before and it feels so good. The satisfaction that comes from the results of staying on track, simply cannot be matched.

I have something to wear tonight and all is right in my world.
Enjoy this glorious weekend!


  1. Good for you - there is nothing more exciting that trying on old clothes and realizing either they now fit again or even better, they are too big, lol. I did the same with a pair of jeans, i tried them in february and they could not be fastened - way off, like 20cm of something silly, they are now too big! Love it! Keep up the good work, it pays off, even when it seems to be slowing down :)

  2. Congrats! Such a cool feeling to actually find something that fits - in your own closet!

    Just as fun to go "shopping" in your own closet & the price is right!!

    Keep up the great work!!

  3. Way to go Sunny! They may fit now, but in a month they'll be down at your ankles and you'll be looking for the next few sizes down! The result of your success is showing! Enjoy every moment of it.

  4. I couldn't believe it today! Actually I could- you look great! I love you! SOO PROUDDD!

  5. Thanks to every one of you....I couldn't do it without YOU and that's the truth!
