Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Looking Ahead

Well folks, I can now use my boob as a stopper in the bathtub (an old Joan River's joke) *giggle, snort* Sad, but almost true.

It seems everything wants to hang lately. My neck, my boobs, my flabby arms, my ever sagging butt, even my clothes are hangin''s insane. But guess what? I love it!! I'd rather have a li'l extra baggy skin than a boatload of fat, which is exactly what I had/have.
When I take the time to look ahead, it's bright where I'm going and I love more blindfolds and denial. Just straight-up sunny days!!

Yes, I slipped up this week and gained a few ounces, due to overindulgence of fruit and nuts/seeds, but the scale and time are on my side now and I'll more than make up for it when I've lost 5 lbs (my new goal) in the next two weeks :)

Congrats to Don who lost a major 7.4 pounds this weigh-in! Yeaaaaayyyyy!!! And that's for a grand total of 60 Pounds :)....amazing!! My total is now 41. All together, that's 101 Pounds in four months time...We lost the weight of a 10 yr. old child!!! That's dedication, my friends.

The weekend is almost here, so start planning for a fun 4th!! I'll be attending a graduation party for a family friend on Saturday...another challenge, I love it!

Don and maybe Ed too are coming tomorrow...what a great week!! :)


  1. The boob comment cracked me up! I would have guessed Phyllis Diller would have pegged that comment!

    Congratulations you two! You've come a long way in such a short time, very cool! Very cool!!

  2. Thanks for the congrats, Sunny. I always thought we should have a child together :)... It'll just be me tomorrow! See you soon

  3. Hmmm...I wonder if we would have named him, Ed...
