Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Inspired by Don...

Perhaps by being witness to the end of my dad's life, I've been able to see just how precious and beautiful it truly is. Life is fun! Brilliantly shining every single day. Life is anything and everything we want it to be, because I honestly believe it is what we make it.

My mission is to open my eyes to it every day, I use what tools I have to make sure I enjoy it. Let no one steal my joy, let light shine upon my face even in the darkest of times and I am succeeding, because I now have the right tools.

You see, I know what it feels like to wake up and have so much back pain that I couldn't even make it to the bathroom without crying. At 325 pounds, I couldn't walk down the steps without my knees crying out in pain or walk through a store without having to use an inhaler. Life was anything but beautiful to me then. Yes, I have an ankle problem, but I'm taking steps to help that along.

I think I can speak for Don here too......We're also regarding every opportunity to turn down a food, a personal victory, and we face those every day! Every time someone says, 'Just take a bite.' and I decline, I think to myself, 'another victory!!' We don't sit and eat 3 or 4 slices of pizza anymore and call it dinner, when what it really was, was us stuffing down every bad feeling we had. We're dealing with our feelings now, facing them head on and for the most part, finding something positive in the beauty of it all...we can see all the negatives for what they really are....LIFE! Yeah, there are good and bad parts to it, but Life is as beautiful as we make it and we're making it as beautiful as it can be!

We've opened our eyes to the beauty of life, it doesn't get much better than this.

1 comment:

  1. Great mission! I know how you feel about the personal victories! Today there was a birthday at work - it was a close friend of mine, i bought mini cupcakes as she is also on WW but others brought cheesecake - I said no to the cheesecake and it made me feel good, it helped that there was an alternative that i was 'allowed' too :o)
