Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


About Sunny...

I got up today feeling so much lighter, and I decided to get on the scale. I try not to do this a lot, but yes, sometimes when it's not "weigh-in day," I do weigh. I was not surprised to see an amazing loss since Wednesday and I am feeling like not only is the eclipse gone, but the sun is shining again.

For some reason, I can feel the loss before it happens. I will weigh, thinking I've lost weight and it won't show up for a day or two, anyone else ever experience this? I'm wondering if the weight shifts?....or am I so in tune with my body that I can actually feel it before it happens?? In any case, I am feeling fine and doing so well on this journey, so pleased and so proud of my accomplishments thus far!! It will only get better too, imagine that!

I was never a thin person...well, maybe for about 10 minutes back in 1982, when I was 128 pounds (down from my usual 165) and a size 7. At 5'7'', that was thin!! It was a disastrous diet though of 500 calories a day. It included B-12 shots and some other mystery pills....NOT A GOOD IDEA!

I yo-yo-ed for years after that....gained 90 pounds with my first pregnancy and never lost it, in fact, I gained even more after that and then dieted and got pregnant again and so on and so forth until at one point I reached a whopping 325 (about 3 yrs. ago) and had to see a specialist for breathing problems and found out, I had asthma.

I don't suffer from the symptoms of asthma any longer and I feel like I am on top of the world!

Good-bye carbs, hello healthy lifestyle!


  1. How funny (and good) that you sensed the loss before the scales show. I have always had a theory that the weight is often a whole week behind what we do. I don't neccessarily feel it before I see it on the scales, but I do have the situation where the scales say nothing, but my clothes tell me otherwise. Odd eh?

    But woo-hoo at losing more!

  2. I'm glad you're feeling well and in tune with your body! You mentioned an amazing loss since Wed, but didn't share the amount of loss, or in my old age I missed it somewhere!

  3. 3 more pounds cuz....woohoooo!!!

  4. Fantastic!!! Congratulations!
