Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Another Busy Week at hand...

Well, I'll be doing short posts for the next few days, and through a tool I use at work, which means I won't be able to post pictures until later in the week. I missed GYM a few times last week so my plan is to make it up this week and go to the gym every day after work (Mon-Wed).

This means very long days, not getting home until 9:00 PM-ish, but that's ok.. I am into it. I KNOW I won't continue to loose at the rate I am unless I KEEP DEDICATED to exercise.

I had a great day today and planned a very big (but on plan) lunch, because I won't have an opportunity to eat a regular dinner.

Thanks for everyones support... I'm livin-la-vita-low-carb.. as another great BLOGGER says.. and I'm lovin it!

Just got home from the Gym about 20 minutes ago. Got something to drink, and here I am.. updating my BLOG.. I'm not addicted to food anymore... I'm now addicted to Blogging :~) (There are worse things, I suppose!!) Gym was good, I'm tired and will be in bed soon, gotta get up again at 4:15am! Night all!


  1. Go Don! I love that you are soooo into your exercise - living life around your new lifestyle instead of trying to fit your new lifestyle in to your life... I should take a leaf out of your book and up my exercise as a priority! :o)

  2. You couldn't be more dedicated if you tried. Working hard and working out....good job!
