Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


What is it we're doing here.. Anyway?

We've been on this journey for 4 and a half months. I thought to myself yesterday, as I was riding my motorcycle up to New Hope.. 'My life has changed, I don't feel like I used to feel every time I did a 'DIET'.'

So what is it that we're doing here? Well, really, we've changed our lives. That's why it doesn't feel like a diet... because it isn't. It's a life change that Sunny and I have made. That's why the decisions are so easy, why we know we're not going to 'fall off the wagon'.. that's why it all seems so effortless. Because we've changed, changed our lives and our perspectives forever.

The biggest choice, when you are having a problem with food, with your weight, is what to do. All of us have tried 'THE DIET'... the thing we though would do it for us, and many of us have tried, failed, tried again, failed again.. and experienced that endless 'yo-yo' cycle, getting fatter and fatter with each failed attempt. On my motorcycle, enjoying the ride.. I had a 'LIGHT BULB' moment. All of those times, all of those attempts, the missing element was my perspective.

I looked at a 'DIET' as a temporary method of reaching a goal, BUT... BUT..! To succeed, you have to change your life (lifestyle), and know it's not 'temporary'. If you do that, no matter what 'method' is chosen to reach the end result, YOU WILL have success. Sunny and I will SUCCEED!, we are succeeding now! With every day, every choice, every moment, we get closer and closer to where we want to be.. a new 'life' without the hinderance of unhealthy fat.

What are we doing?.. We're changing our lives!

Wanna see how much.. I did a side-by-side comparison of my pictures taken April 1st and my recent July 15th pictures (CLICK HERE).


  1. Fantastic post, Don, yes, the biggest change is what happens inside the head - funny eh?

    You two are doing so well, keep up the wonderful work you are doing!

  2. Great post Don.. I feel the same, this time things just 'feel' different, I am thinking different and I know that I truly want it. You and Sunny are both doing awesomely... keep it up :o)

  3. Great post! It proves that the brain really does rule the body. Think it, want it badly enough to make the changes, and change will come. :)

  4. You are succeeding! I looked at your photos, especially the front view, and I hardly recognize you. I am so happy for your success. Peggy

  5. Don, what an awesome & inspiring post!

    Also, thank you times a zillion for the blog design help - what a peach you are!!
