Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Looking at the world through new eyes...

I really don't know what's happening to me. I seem to be seeing some things in my world for the first time, through 'new eyes'. Ed and I went to a buffet today for lunch. I love going to a buffet because there is always a good salad bar and plenty of good protein items available, and I don't have to cook.

Anyhow, as we were sitting eating, I saw this extremely large man, his legs swollen and his shoes untied because his feet were so big, walking up and down past the desert bar, piling things on his plate. I looked at him and thought to myself, 'you know, that used to be me. What do I mean by that? Well, I think if the guy could have seen a video of himself in front of that desert bar, he may have just walked away, but, when you're living it, you have a different perspective. The focus for him was the immediate gratification of having something(s) sweet to eat. He had no regard for what he was doing to himself.

Now that I have been on this road for a while, I can look at these types of situations with new eyes. I have made my choice, months ago, to make myself (not my food or my cravings) a priority, and because of this, today I am 60 pounds lighter and 'tons' healthier. I wish there was an easy, non-threatening way to share this with people like the one at the buffet. I wish I could have just opened his eyes and showed him what I saw, maybe it could save his life.


  1. I know what you mean, I always want to spread the word, but I've learned that when people aren't ready mentally, they don't pay attention to you anyway. It's a very individual thing, we just got lucky enough to both be ready at the same time :) Something I am thankful for every day!!

  2. Sunny girl is right, you have to be ready, I have been going to WW for 6 months now and you see new members come and go, and you can almost predict the ones right from the get go that wont make it, you have to be ready and you have to WANT it! You two are doing soooooooo great - keep up the good work. I stumbled across your blog a while ago but back then there was no follow and i forgot to check back, i am following now and love to keep up with your journey!
