Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Ice Coooold Ice Cream...Get Your Ice Cream Heeeere!

...Can't you just hear the guy on the beach as you read that? ;)

I know I know, I shouldn't be thinking about ice cream, but I can't help it!!
I miss it, I want it...and I'm going to find a good recipe or die trying!

I've had this sweet tooth for a while, and I've been buying sugar free jello and cool whip or any whipped topping, and it's good. But I still crave ice cream!!

So, here's what I did...I followed the directions on the box of sugar free instant jello (the quick set method) and when I removed the last of the ice cubes, I added about a cup of cool whip and used a hand mixer to whip it until thickened....put it in the fridge and it set perfectly in about 1/2 mission, to see how it will freeze.

Don and I have a section on low carb recipes, but I'm not sure if anyone has taken a look at it...if you haven' should! It's full of great ones!
I will surely add this one, because even when not frozen, it almost tasted like a black cherry moose...Delicious! The perfect ending to a wonderfully relaxing weekend.

Well it was so good, I had to share.


  1. Sunny Girl - are you allowed to have skim milk and fat free sugar free pudding on your plan? If you are, then here's a recipe for a "milkshake" that might help curb that ice cream craving.

    1 c skim milk
    1 tbsp fat free sugar free pudding powder
    frozen fruit of your choice

    Put everything in a blender or smoothie maker and blend until smooth.

    Variations I have personally made and enjoy:
    vanilla pudding with frozen strawberries
    vanilla pudding with frozen peaches
    banana pudding with strawberries
    banana pudding with banana (I put a banana in the freezer)
    chocolate pudding with banana

    This makes a huge serving and it really does take care of that craving for cold and sweet.

  2. You know, I can't have the sugar free pudding just yet...or the skim milk (only cream or half and half) but when I am on maintenance, this will be PERFECT, Thank you!!! :)

  3. The recipe sounds great, but the picture looks kind of ummmm... ? Does the cool whip mix with the liquid? Thanks for posting the recipe!

  4. yes, it pic?...i just wanted to show how it looks while mixing...ok ok...another pic on the way...

  5. Sounds quite delicious and just what we need in the summer!

  6. Medifast puddings are great-- lots of protein. If you're low carbing, look for recipes that use cottage cheese.

  7. Don - I am truly inspired. I read up through March so far. Then, I browsed through the pictures and videos. I love your upbeat attitude. I look forward to catching up to today and keeping up with your blog.


  8. Thanks Cindy... Sunny Girl and I are dedicated to the process and blog often. I'm glad you had a chance to review the past blogs.
