Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


This blogging thing...

... it is such a great tool. Besides our determination, I think this blog is the most important thing that Sunny and I do, which keeps us focused. To me, it's like the difference between trying to drive with our without headlights at night.

We make an effort to try to post something every day. Why? Because it allows us to get the 'stuff' out of our heads and on 'paper' so we can process what we are feeling, both through the act of putting it down, and through the comments of each other, and our wonderful 'village' of followers who comment.

Suggestions, affirmation, recognition, alternate views, all these things and more are possible when we share our thoughts and 'put-em' out there for review.

PLUS, being dedicated to the process, knowing we are sort of 'expected' to blog about our feelings, our meals, our weigh-in's, etc... keep us honest. We are responsible, mostly to ourselves, but to our village as well. We know we don't want to let ourselves down, or our friends and family. As I said before in other blogs, we've come out of the dieting closet. No more hiding in the dark... THE LIGHTS ARE ON!


  1. I second this blog. It's the difference between light and dark for sure. You gave the perfect analogy.

  2. I 3rd this blog too! Although I've not been such a dandy blogger lately (work, work & more work) - I have a zillion blog topics running through my head at any given time PLUS I feel a sense of accountability to my blog followers - yall don't have to follow, but yet you choose to do so & that is some fantastic motivation for me! It keeps me dedicated to my cause & to my better health. Thank you both Don & Sunny for keeping tabs on me & for being such good role models as we all go through this!!

  3. Hi guys,
    Yes blogging has been such a wonderful tool for me..Sunny when I got a couple post from you I was so excited because it was my second comment on my blog..I thought no one was really made me feel good to know others were on this journey too..Have a blessed day!!
