Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Dog Days...

I'm taking a break from the pool to say hello! Doesn't that pooch look happy!!? had a fabulous day in the pool with the kids.

I'm getting ready to grill some boneless pork steaks now and then it's out to the movies with my kids. Tomorrow, I'm hoping my cousin Karen and family will be here for a dip in the pool and a BBQ...praying for the weather to hold up!

Enjoy the weekend, friends!


  1. Good Morning,
    What a cute and funny picture..he has traits of my puppy in him..the last time I put my dog in the pool it turned it very green..I have a salt water system and did not know it could do this. I called and they said it is like a 100 people swimming in your pool. Their hair throws off Phosphates..guess clorine is differnt though.anyway just checking in..Have beautiful Sunday..Think I have finally got rid of my battle with the grains and feel pretty good.

  2. Sunny, you are doing soooo good. Your weight lose is going in the right direction and is very realistic for a 2 week period. Your true measure is in your clothes fit and the way you look. Keep up working out in the pool to give your ankle a break! We women have a real problem with water retention, always at the wrong time. And we also respond to stress with our body so do not give up hope. Peggy
