Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


I'm Ready For My Close-Up...

Yeah, she's in there somewhere, and she's itchin to get out....actually, she's clawing her way out.

All things in time though and first things first!

I made up my mind today that I am taking pictures this week and I will post them before the weekend is out. I've been looking around at other blogs (and ours) and realized that the best part of losing, is actually seeing the results. And it's not until now that I can see the difference in took this long, but I can see objectively now, that I have lost a significant amout of weight and I want to continue to see the results, so like them or not, (and I will probably hate them) they're coming to the blog!

Tomorrow is weigh-in!! Stay tuned!


  1. Oooh, goody! Looking forward to seeing pictures - I just love them!

    I found the most helpful thing with my achilles tendon was to wear orthotic heel inserts in my walking shoes and boots. Plus I found some exercises on the internet which I do daily. Both have to be taken gradually - the inserts take a while to wear in and for your feet to get used to them, but seriously have made a heap of difference. The exercises I do are the ones where you stand on a step (or similar) and lower your heel below the step and rise up. I began doing 4 and now do 20. I also massage the area regularly as I apply foot cream.

    I hope this helps and you get some relief soon!

  2. eagerly waiting your wonderful news & pics :)

  3. Thank you thank you thank you!! pix, soon, BRF! ;)
