Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


A dream unfulfilled, no matter how lofty or humble...

... is a tragedy to the dreamer. I'm so happy that the one real dream that I (and Sunny) have, is being fulfilled between your eyes, and yours. I've have had a lot of satisfaction in my life, a lot of success, a few very good friends, everything that is required, some would think, to have a happy life. But, the realization is that although I do have all those things, and although I am 'happy', this one dream, to be 'thin again, healthy again' has eluded me for almost 20 years.

That's right, I've been on the uphill slope of weight gain since 1990, when I got out of the Air Force. Then, I was 235, and I struggled to keep at that weight, because I always loved to eat. The military had a policy then, and I don't know if they still do or not, that if you were more than 10 percent over your 'ideal' weight.. you'd have to enlist in the 'fat-boy' program. Just the stigma of being on that program, and knowing that I'd be a spectacle wile being 'forced' to work-out in public areas around other airmen.

I met my partner in 1992 and weighed 260. Well we fell in love, and I settled into a great life, great relationship, and stopped caring about my physical well being. Satiating my appetites and desires, was all I cared about. I just 'BLEW UP'.

I have been 'dreaming' of being thin for many years now. I'm glad I finally took action and am striving towards that dream!


  1. all I could do as I read this bog, was smile. Look how far you've come, we've finally be here is truly amazing. Down the road, the dream becomes reality, I can't wait.

  2. Yeah, we are doing it at last - and it really feels good!

    Well done, Don, you and Sunny are an inspiration.

    Hey, are you going to do update pictures too (or have I just missed them)?

  3. I found them - and looking good, I must say! You have done so well and it shows - well done!
