Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


The blood tells the story...

Keep up the good work Sunny. Your last blog was great, and you're absolutely correct, we are both in this for the long haul, and even though we like to see milestones and interum goals reached, the final prize will be ours, because we are committed and have changed our lives.

Friday, I had a physical with my doctor. I anxiously awaited the results from my blood tests, yesterday (Monday). I had told my doctor that I had cut my diabetes medication in half a couple of months ago because of my low-carb life style. He, of course was concerned.

Well, my blood sugar (fasting) was 97, my A1C (average blood glucose over 3 months) was 5.7 (2 full points below last test and perfectly in range), my cholesterol was 146 and my blood pressure was 130/80 (last August it was 155/105). My HDL was great my LDL a little high, liver function, kidney function, triglycerides all good, all in all... an excellent result! My blood sugar hasn't been that low in 8 years. I felt great all afternoon after hearing this news!

I am excited, tomorrow is another weigh-in, one more in a long line of upcomming weigh-ins. Regardless of the result, I know I am happier and healthier than I have been in years!


  1. You said:
    "Well, my blood sugar (fasting) was 97, my A1C (average blood glucose over 3 months) was 5.something (2 points below last test and perfectly in range), my cholesterol was 146. My HDL was great my LDL a little high, but all in all... an excellent result! My blood sugar hasn't been that low in 8 years."


  2. Yea! What an awesome report from the blood work. I bet the doctor was impressed. It is super important to keep checking the physical changes in our body to monitor any health concerns. All of your results are wonderful. I am so happy for you and your continuing success. The blog about the booth was another important milestone for you. You have come so far!!!!! Love, Peggy

  3. Great news on the bloods - well done you!

  4. wow, I couldn't be happier to hear this. I know you feel like you could do anything now and you're proving that you can. You are a success in every sense of the word, and I am a better person, just for knowing you. Love you, cuz!

  5. Thanks for the great comments everyone. I'm so glad that my body tests as healthy as I am feeling.
