Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Guard Rails...

What is this blog to me..? Why am I here.. doing this huge thing in my life so publicly? This blog gives me the opportunity to really analyze how I feel about this journey. When I am thinking about writing a blog, I think.. 'What has inspired me today', 'What action did I take that was for 'the good' on this journey, 'What do I feel like sharing today'...

For me, it's all about staying focused. I have to constantly be 'in the moment' on this journey, or I know I will loose focus, and run right off the road. This blog is like a 'guard rail' on the highway of my life... It keeps me alive, it keeps me in the lane... It is my 'safety zone'.

This blog has provided me encouragement when I was down, a place to express my most inner thoughts on the process, an avenue for introspection and discovery. My life gets so busy during the day, I don't have the time to 'think' about the process, I just 'do what it takes'.

I can't express how much sharing this site with Sunny has helped me. Further, I can only say a big 'THANK YOU' to all of you who are following us, and who support us.. you are all our 'guard rails'... keeping us on the road!


  1. No, thank you Don & Sunny for sharing your stories, results & inspiring posts! It really gives me hope!

  2. Oh almost forgot! Don, your blog help instructions were spot on! When you get a chance, take a look & let me know what you think!!
