Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Learning to Weather the Storm

Things got a little stormy last night for me, I don't understand it really, I just wanted to eat everything in sight. I was a little stressed, and I haven't turned to food in a very long time to ease a stressful situation. Last night was different.

I didn't turn to any high carb foods, with the exception of the heaping tablespoons of peanut butter, but I ate a lot of what I could have....which can be just as bad. I ate cheese (too much of it) and I had 3 sugar free ice pops, and then some blueberries and so on. It just seemed like my stomach was a bottomless pit. I didn't like the feeling at all, I had a hard time controlling it and it made me very nervous to know that this could still happen. I eventually just went to bed, so I wouldn't have the toast I was craving!! *pats self on back*

Anyone can steer a ship in calm seas, it's when there is a storm brewing that you see what people are truly made of, and I had a hard time with that wheel last night. Just scared me to know that old behaviors can creep back to haunt me, but I am back in control today, with a renewed sense of dedication. Reading Don's blog is always a help for me, he is my ROCK. Also, the realization that stressful situations will always arise and it's very important to know my triggers and be ready for them at all times.

You know, Don touched on something in his blog about not being addicted to food, but being addicted to blogging now and this blog is key. If you notice, I didn't blog yesterday or the day before and that's just not good. I didn't log my meals in and I didn't contact him for the support I obviously needed, also not good.

The next time something like that happens to me, I will be prepared...

1. Get to blogging, not only in stressful situations, but EVERY DAY.
2. Log meals in on our meals page EVERY DAY.
3. Contact Don for support!

Could it have been worse? Absolutely, I could have had that damn toast with the peanut butter, but it was bad enough just knowing that food could still be used as a stress reliever. And here's the kicker, eating did not make me feel better or relieve any stress. It never worked, it doesn't work now and it never will. Take it from me.


  1. You weathered that storm very well, salty sea wench that you are, lol!

    Yeah, sometimes it gets really difficult and the temptation is still there - I suppose the longer we stick with it, the stronger (and wiser) we will get.

    Oh, blogging and reading blogs really does help me too - keep up the good work, you are heading for calmer waters soon!

  2. 1. When you're feeling tempted.. CALL DON
    2. When you're feeling stressed... CALL DON
    3. When you need a shoulder....CALL DON

    No matter what... don't turn to food. It's not worth it. Remember, as much as you think I'm a rock, YOU are the one that taught me that nothing tastes as good as THIN FEELS>>> and you're getting thinner every day.

    You are worth the effort, you deserve this, let it happen!

  3. Good Morning Sunny,
    I had a day like that you had very recently. I really tried to figure out what triggered it. Oh how I love peanut butter..If I ever has to pick one food on a desert island it would be a big jar of skippy.. I think honestly if anything comes my way that is out of the norm,(even the easiest thing) I start to stress. I am thinking so hard on just trying to keep this way of life that any thing added just makes it hard. It hasn't become the norm just yet. It goes back to life style not diet. Does that make sense? Sometimes I get too deep..LOL I read one of your post that was so good and it talked about change. My thinking changes everyday. LIke you and Don, I am just trying to do the best everyday. Protein has been on my brain lately, and if I am getting enough and what sources are the best for my eating. It is a learning journey and we may change from day to day as we grow. Blogging is so good for us. I appriciate your comments when you stop by and I want to encourage you also. Its okay to fall as long as we get right back up and start again. You are doing wonderful! Have a blessed day.

  4. We are all pulling for you. I read all your posts and miss them when you do not write. You are helping me with my every day trials. So remember we are here for you, feeling your frustrations and disappointments, and celebrating all your accomplishments. You have come a long way. You have chosen to take this never ending journey for the last time and there will be bumps in the road. I want to pick you up when you fall. I am sending you a big hug and am pulling you up and back on that road. Come on, you are doing it. Look at all that weight you have lost. Put 8 bags of sugar (5lbs each) in a garbage bag and try to lift it. This is what you have lost!!!! You have accomplished soooo much. XOXO Peggy

  5. This is what I've heard. You drink a big glass of water first & see if what you are feeling is hunger or dehydration. Then you wait it out like 10 minutes to see if you are really hungry or just spun up.
    I wish I could say that I am successful with this - but naw, not always. I do go for the water first though - that always makes a difference!
