Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Crazy.. hazy... dayz....

Sorry about no post the past few days. I'm doing well and on plan, but have missed exercise the past couple of days (I'll be back to the gym tomorrow). I've had some crazy hours at work and have just been too bushed at night to post.

I do not like this humidity we're experiencing. I have noticed it's not effecting me as much as it used to, I'm enduring longer and not getting as tired as quickly. I can really feel the difference the 70 pounds lost has made. I have a long way to go, another 180 pounds or so, but still, I fit in things better, I move around better... and I enjoy life better.

I look forward to going on vacation in Disney in September, I'm hoping to be another 20 or 30 pounds down by then, can you imagine. We've been going to the park for years, and I'm always the one sitting on the bench, saying 'Just go on without me'.. or 'I'll catch up' or 'Just leave me in the hotel, I'll relax'... Well, none of that this year.. I'll enjoy the park, maybe fit into some of the rides (which I'll love)... and experience life again!

Everyone enjoy their weekend!


  1. You are both doing an amazing job. I know you will thoroughly enjoy that trip to Disney! (I liked some of the rides at Universal even better!) :-)

  2. We have 200% humidity here at the moment, lol (it is raining so heavily - ugh!). I know what you mean about being able to cope with the warm weather now though. It is so much better.

    Yeah, Disney will be fantastic by September! Think how much fun you will have!

  3. I noticed that I am much more tolerant of the humid heat as well, it's a good thing, since I think it will be even worse come August.

    And about the trip...Finally, you will be able to truly enjoy the park and all it's wonders, I can't wait to hear about it and see those pix!!!
