Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Busy .. does not mean...

... that I am not committed to the process. I'm sorry for no blogs in the past few days, but .. if you've been reading, you know that I have been crazy-busy at work. I have a facility through Google home page, which does allow me to post through the corporate firewall, but unfortunately, I can not put all the nice touches in.

Progress, fine, no problem, I've been on plan and feeling very good. I had a great salad for lunch both Monday and Tuesday, each including protein, and shakes for breakfast. I'm feeling energized and much 'lighter-in-my-loafers'... which is a GREAT FEELING.

I spoke with Sunny Girl about an hour ago, and she's frustrated (as she well should be) because she seems to have stalled on Atkins. We all need to show her love and support through this period. To work as hard as she has at keeping on track, not cheating, and controlling the quantities she consumes of the stuff we can eat... and then to have minimal weight loss is horrid.

She has the strength of committment to get through it, where others may just throw themselves into the pit, and eat-eat-eat. Bless her for having this strength and focus. You're one strong woman, Sunny Girl! and... we will all be here to see you through this and to continue WITH you on this journey!

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