Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Life...It's Even Better When You Help It Along

I am feeling like the possibilities are endless today. I feel like someday I will actually be able to wear a white bathing suit and a big brimmed hat and look (at least) something like the picture above. I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm working toward "someday" it WILL happen!

I have a renewed sense of dedication every time I talk to Don and today was no exception! His recent weight loss of 6 more lbs. is astonishing, and proves his steadfastness and his determination to do it.

There is something to be said for witnessing the changes in someone else's life, especially someone you love and have so much respect for. To see his self respect improve in the way that it has, to watch him reach his milestones with all the happiness and joy any man has known, is truly a dream come true....I feel privileged to be a part of his success. My own success has been wonderful, don't get me wrong...but to see the changes that I feel, actually happening to someone else, is almost surreal. It forces me to open my eyes even wider, try a little harder, resist temptation and frustration.

I'm feeling very blessed tonight.

Here's to white bathing suits and big brimmed hats...and Don!!


  1. What a wonderfully supportive post Sunny. We are both inspiring each other, and we are both reaching milestones! You inspire me, you keep my focused, your my 'compodre' on this journey, and my loving friend for life! Neither of us will ever be the same (thank goodness) and our lives, now and in the future, will be richer because of this... because of what we are accomplishing, because of our endurance, our dedication, our action, our joy.. our road of success!
