Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Everything we need...

We have everything inside of us, right now, to accomplish what ever we want to do. All we need to have, is belief in ourselves, strength of purpose, a direction and a motivation. We also need to realize that there will really never be an 'END' to this journey. We will arrive at our ultimate destination, but, nothing in life is static. We must be prepared, and realize, once we get there, the work is not over, it really just begins. We all know this, we've been down the road before... we've maybe made it part way there, then lost focus, maybe lost the belief that we can go on, maybe our motivation diminished, and before we knew it, we were heading back down the road again, but in the wrong direction.

To 'STAY PUT' once we get where we want to be, we must continue to stay focused and do what it takes to prevent us to reverse our journey.

Along the way, sometimes our minds may wander, we may consider straying from the road, but, really, that kind of action serves no purpose at all, except to force us into a disaster - a pile-up on the road. So the best thing for us to do is to keep our strength of purpose, keep our eye on the final destination, do what it takes (rest stops along the way) to revitalize ourselves and keep us energized and heading in the right direction.

I realize this particular blog is full of the 'road metaphors' but they really do apply to this process, for us. This blog is kind of a 'pep-talk' for Sunny and I... and it's what I've been thinking about this morning.

I have been doing fine on the journey, but have found myself more and more, desiring the things I can not (and choose not to) have (especially popcorn.. the last few days). By putting the above into words, it helps me to remember why I am doing what I am doing, and why a bowl of popcorn will only be an 'accident' along the way, and serve no purpose except to undermine all the great things I have already accomplished.


  1. I know this feeling, pop corn or a nice little plate of steaming hot pasta with crab's all the same. We know what it tastes like and we'll have it again, but it doesn't taste as good as being thin feels!!! ;)

  2. We all travel the road you travel, maybe our journey is different. Just know that I read all your posts and take something away each day for my own journey. You both help me in my daily routine. I find this blog both entertaining and educational. Your transformation (both inside and out) gives me guidance on my road. May God keep you both focused and strong. XOXO Peggy
