Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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My goal for these two weeks was 5 lbs., I thought that was pretty realistic, well my friends, it did NOT happen and I am not going to lie, I am disappointed.
Especially since I thought I had done so much better than 2 lbs in 2 weeks!

A nine pound loss in about a month and half and only 42 pounds total, seems like Sunny has been eclipsed, doesn't it?? When I did this diet years ago, I lost double the weight in the same amount of time. I basically did the same things I am doing now, so I am baffled...I just don't get it.

Ok, but on the upside, I have to remind myself that a loss is a loss!! I haven't stayed the same or gained (this time) and my clothes no longer fit. I can use a seat belt without pulling it out of its socket 4 times...hahaha and I do look and feel like a different person when I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror. I'm not sabotaging myself by eating anything I shouldn't and I'm still on track and plan to stay in control for the rest of my life.

My goal for the next two weeks?...I don't have one. Whatever happens, happens.

I do have some happy news though!! Congratulations are in order for Don who lost a whopping 10 pounds this week!!!! I find great joy in that fact. 70 lbs. to date, wow....I can't wait to hug his ever shrinking self!!

You exceeded your goal, cuz and I know you are on cloud nine today, as you should be!!! I know you're working hard this week, but find the time to celebrate :)


  1. It is frustrating when you get those slow losses, but often the next weigh-in is a good one. Of course, with your ankle, you obviously can't exercise, so that is probably not helping. Stick with it and the results will show. You have done fantastically well up to now and 42 is a phenomenal amount to lose - I peeked at your photos this morning and could see a massive difference in your face in the July 4th pic compared to the beginning, so you are making a big difference. Keep it up!

    And well done Don - 10 lbs? 10 lbs? Faints.

  2. LOL...thanks, girl for the encouragement and for being here!!! Now wake up, you have stuff to do! ;)

  3. As I said when I talked to you, Sunny... A loss is a good thing! You've lost 43 pounds, by God! That's great progress. There could be hundreds of reasons why you've slowed a bit, but you're still moving in the right direction. Thank you for sharing this with me!
