Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


At the end of each day...

... anyone who has drastically changed their life to improve their health, should ask themselves... 'What have I done today to make myself proud'... I got this thought after watching reruns of 'The biggest Looser' on BRAVO, the song at the end.

I really do try to keep this in mind. We have to keep in mind that we are doing this for ourselves first. We should be proud every day of the choices we made to make our body healthier, our life better. EVERY SINGLE CHOICE we make during the day matters. When we make the right choices, 'what to eat', 'to exercise', 'to share our experience', 'to continue down the road', etc... at the end of the day, we need to make the right choices, the ones that will help us to succeed, the ones that will make us proud.

Yesterday, I fit into a booth at a restaurant, for the first time in several years. I had some intimidation about trying it, but I told the waiter, I'd like to try to sit at a booth, but am not sure right now if I can or not. Admitting that to myself, and in public to the waiter.. that was a big step. The fact that I FIT, is a big success... Yes I was proud at the end of the day. Proud that I put myself out there, not caring what the waiter thought, and even prouder that my choices have led to the success that allowed me to fit in that booth!


  1. Wow!!! I know how good that must have felt for you, thanks for letting me share in that joy. Good things are happening and will continue to happen for us, because we're doin'it!!!

  2. That's awesome! Congrats on the non-scale victory!
