Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


It's all a matter of perspective...

I have had several people ask me, lately, what was it that made you finally decide to do this, and succeed?

Well, I already blogged about the night where I laid in bed and just wanted to die under the weight of my own body. That was a sign to me that I had to change. My cuz Sunny and I made the decision together after our vacation together at the beginning of March, that we had to do something, as we panted and waddled through the airport in Miami. That's when we decided to take action, but really, the most important thing that I did was change my perspective.

It was subtle, at first, just a thought every time I needed to make a choice, saying to myself, Yeah I really want to do this, or Yeah I really need to do this.. but all of the sudden, every time I was faced with a choice to eat something, to go forward, or backward, to change my behavior or not, I said to myself, 'Do I want to eat that or do you want to die?' 'Do I want to change this, or do I want to die'.. the bottom line with every choice is, do it or die. I know this may sound drastic, but really, as morbidly obese as I was (am), it's really the choice I have to make, with every choice I make. I'm not being dramatic, not exaggerating one bit.. .EVERY TIME.. do I want .... or DO I WANT TO DIE. Well, with that perspective, the choice is always easy, and always the right choice. I love my life, my partner, my job, my family... the only think I'd like to see die is the fat.. and hey.. It's happening.. ! What was the line from that old move... 'I wanna LIVE'!


  1. And LIVE we are...No more couch spuds in this lifetime!!

  2. Yay! And I am so glad you are going to live - those pivotal moments in life are real treasures, great you found yours in time!
