Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


What was the food replacing?...

I saw an Oprah show today and she spoke of her coming to terms with her weight gain, and what she is doing to conquer her issues. Her biggest point was to figure out what was causing the overeating or bad lifestyle to begin with. "What are you trying to 'fix' with the food?" In her case, it was an 'in-balance' in her life, between her work and personal time. Not putting herself first...

Well, I did a lot of introspection when we began this journey, and I still do it almost every day. In my case, I was putting food in me to fill up the place where my self-respect should have been. My health/lifestyle/eating had gotten so out of control that I no longer had any self-respect. BUT HEY... I learned that I do have control, that nothing is as important to me as gaining control. Control of what I put in my mouth, and when, control of my exercise (non-couch potato behavior), and control of my general outlook on life.

I have changed at a fundamental level. Food is no longer the 'most important' thing in my life... MY LIFE is the most important thing. I can look at food that I don't eat now and say to myself, "mmmm that really looks good, or.. mmmm I'll bet that tastes wonderful", but you know what.. my self respect tastes a hell of a lot better!

As a side note... I cleaned out my drawers today and donated 5 bags of clothes which were too big for me, to a charity. THAT feels much better than any type of food tastes! That type of gratification is good for the soul.


  1. I wish these Oprah shows would hurry up and air over here in the UK! I know I ate to fill a void and I know what that void was and I too feel I have changed that impulse.

    Woo-hoo on the drawer clean-out - soon you will have to go around nekkid cos nothing will fit, lol!

  2. Well, I just finished reading all the posts I missed while at WDW. You both are doing great, staying on track. I enjoyed viewing the Atkins info on You Tube. I think planning ahead on your list is soooo important, especially with your upcoming week's food menu, so you are not tempted to grab the wrong thing when you are tired and hungry.Your bikes are beautiful, not the same one you rode to our house years ago ?? I became very emotional when I read your blog "Looking at the world through new eyes". I have seen the man you speak of so many times. You have really changed, Don. I am so proud of your weight lose, 60 pounds!!!! You keep going. Your life will only get better with each pound you shed. Love to you both, Peggy

  3. One other thing, be sure to keep some clothes from your "fat" days. There is nothing better than the feeling of putting on those clothes and watching them fall off, always a true measure of where you were and the change in your body. It demonstrates the story more than the numbers will ever tell. Peggy

  4. I too have seen the "old Don" and it's amazing to witness the tranformation first hand.

    Realizations that caused a sort of re-birth and a renewed sense of self confidence and self respect are what has changed you/us. Who knew that the thought process would slim us down while our personal growth soared!! The power of the mind is an amazing entity.

    I have to agree with Peggy, keep some old clothes, ( I am too ) so we can take that pic of them falling down around us!!! ;)

  5. And Hey, welcome back, Peggy!!!

  6. Thanks for the posts. I really thought a lot about this post. WELCOME BACK Peggy! It's LATE... long day. I just got home from the gym (went directly after work). I'm working 12 hour shifts for the next few weeks.

  7. I love giving away too big clothes! I didn't keep anything from my heaviest days. I've got enough photos of me in those times. Never going back!

    You are both doing a great job and you look wonderful!
