Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Young Lady... Please back away from that Ledge....

I can't believe we've been on this journey for 6 months now. We have both come so far. I continue to be enthused, excited and optimistic.

I wanted to post about Sunny's blog yesterday, not in a comment, but in a new blog, because I think it is important for all of our followers to see/read this.

First, I am so proud of Sunny Girl. She has been nothing less than incredible during this stormy period on the road. She has endured and coped with her situations without turning to food for comfort. I talked to her yesterday and although she her spirits were a bit low, she still is maintaining her focus. It's remarkable, and inspiring.

In her blog, she expressed how she was feeling and how she was craving what she could not have. If you read through the blog, you can hear her talk herself right down off the Ledge. That is strength of conviction, strength of purpose and pure dedication to this journey. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO! Sunny Girl! You are an example to us all.


  1. It's you, this blog and my accountability that allows me to maintain my focus and I find strength in our talks and these wonderful friend's comments. You've all been amazingly supportive and that's been the rope that pulls me back every time and I thank you all for that!


  2. Sunny, I hope you are doing okay, I have been missing for a little while but am really sorry to hear your news. Stay strong - you are amazing!

  3. Love the analogy about talking herself off the ledge - that's such a cool observation!
