Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


It was commented to me recently that I seem to 'always' have a positive attitude regarding this journey. That I never seem to have a weak moment, a down emotion, etc... which makes it to the blog.

In all honesty, I am not 'always' up. I have moments where I say things like "I wish I could have that ice cream cone', or I say ' Damn.. that bread smells good'.. or... ' I'm so FAT' or...... ' Is this ever going to end????'.....

I think it's normal, no matter how much my lifestyle has changed, my opinions or my attitudes, that I question or doubt. I wouldn't be human otherwise. BUT ... BUT... BUT.... the fact is...

I have changed my life. My perspective overall is focused on loosing the weight, changing my relationship with food, changing my lifestyle in a positive way, making me a priority.

Even though I'm not ALWAYS 100 percent in the new mindset... the 2 percent that isn't, doesn't usually make it here to the blog, because, that's all it is, a miniscule little part of me that 'backslides just for a moment' and in thought only.. the 97 percent keeps me safe and invulnerable to temptation.

This blog is my safe place, my positive place. If the negative ever starts to take-over to the point that it is going to impact my results.. believe me, it will make it into this blog, because I would expect from my supporters, the support to push it back down, and bring it under control~!


  1. I know, those cloudy moments still happen to me, but I don't tend to blog about the details. I use my blog as a sort of self-motivation thing and it helps keep me in the right frame of mind.

    I am working on my bulletproof vest, but knitting with barbed wire is slow progress, LOL.

    Thinking of Sunny at the moment, my heart goes out to her as I know how difficult a time she must be having. If you get a chance send her my love please.

  2. My boss recently shared an inspirational thought with the staff. It was something he picked up from Steven Covey - but it actually is a thought that is thousands of years old. It is that we really only have control over 10% of what happens to us in life. The other 90% comes from how we react to the 10%. I've been chewing on it all week. Definately something to think about.
