Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Ramping up ...

First, I spoke to Sunny Girl today and she is holding up, and doing what she has to to get through this tough time. I see she put-up a blog, and I applaud her for having the time and the presence of mind to do so... We love you Sunny!

I found out today that as of today I will need to put in 60 hour weeks (5 - 12 hour days) until the end of September. This project I'm involved in is coming down to the wire and the expertise I bring to the table is critical to the success of the project, and my reputation is at stake.

I made the call, I told my management that the extra time was required and I just stepped-up and put it out there. I know that it will impact my ability to exercise, but it WILL NOT affect my success on this journey.

It may impact my ability to blog daily, so please, constant reader.. understand that I will be here, and I still count on your support. Thank you for that!


  1. Eek, that is going to be tough, but you know how quickly 8 weeks passes. Look forward to reading your blogs when you can find a quick 5 mins, but understand the work thing!

    Thinking of Sunny, hope she is OK.

  2. Oh I totally understand about work. Sure it's nice to be wanted, but sheesh! The hours you have to put in sure don't make you appreciate being wanted!

    The time will go by fast enough - keep up your low carb success through all this - it will keep you in better spirits & help get you through this healthier!

    I've got Sunny in my thoughts - hope she's holding up ok.
