Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Appreciating Life.. While there is still a chance to do so....

I saw Sunny Girl last night, got a chance to give her a big hug, both for myself, and for all of you who have so kindly posted words of support and expressed concern for her. She is doing as well as can be expected, but... I had to tell her, in the midst of everything going on.... that she 'Looked Fabulous!'... She sends her love to all.

As I sat at the viewing last night I started thinking about life, in general. We don't really think, day-to-day, about 'appreciating' life... most of the time we just trudge through, doing what it takes, loving where we can, succeeding where we can... and constantly moving forward. This is the 'norm' for most of us, I think.

I realize that we need to take time to get outside that 'box' that life puts us in, look up from the road, take a deep breath, sigh, and realize, hey... I'm alive, I can breathe, I can appreciate the beauty around me, I can hug the ones I love, .... there are so many things to appreciate and be thankful for.

Today, everyone who reads this blog, please take a minute to pull back from the normal day to day routine, look around and appreciate the life that you have... be grateful for every breath you can take... and attack the drudgery of life with a new perspective.

I'm working long, hard hours, but, I have health, I have love, I have life.. and I appreciate all of it!


  1. This is such a wonderful sentiment and a message we should all hold close to heart. It seems we only contemplate the wonders of life when something happens to alter it. Life is good. Work can be fulfilling and is also a necessary evil to provide us with funds to maintain the life we live. You and Sunny have chosen to change in a very positive manner so that you can enjoy life to its fullest. Keep focused but also take time to stop along the way and smell the roses. Peggy

  2. So true, great reminder, Don, sometimes we do take it all for granted.

    Hope you are coping alright with the extra workload and thanks for keeping us posted on how Sunny is doing. I am thinking of her.

  3. Thank you for the reminder to get up each day with thanksgiving in our hearts..
