Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Not So Sunny...

I just haven't been feeling well. I have been staying on plan though and have gained a pound even while sick, which is NOT making sense to me, but such is life on Atkins lately. Not losing this weight at an acceptable rate is really beginning to get to me and I keep hoping against hope that things change soon, but they don't, I've passed up so many amazing foods thinking it will all be worth it in the end, but....Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Not much else to say, this is a hard time for me right now, my dad's birthday was yesterday and I am missing him now more than ever. I guess it has to get harder before it gets easier?...I don't know. I'll be back when I feel better.


  1. Hey Sunny,

    Stress can do that to you too! Are you still exercising? Keep it up I am sure you will get back on track soon hunny! It cant be easy for you with everything that has happened but they do say that time is the greatest healer, also in time you will lose ALL of your weight that you want to lose - the two things will happen simultaneously.

    Hope you feel better soon...thinking of you


  2. Hi Sunny,
    I just want to say how sorry I am for the loss of your father,I didn't know until just today since I've been away from the blog during my move.
    I can hear the sadness in your words but also the Strength you have to go forward towards the "happy memories" and yes they will come and replace the sad ones.Right now give yourself the permission and time to grieve that YOU need.There are no rules,it's what's best for you,what gives you Peace and comfort.
    Know that you matter and we all support you!
    HUGS, Galpal (Carol)

  3. Sunny;

    Please try not to get discouraged. The best things happen when you least expect them to. You have the strength to get through this low point. Focus on what you have already accomplished!
