Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Hang in there.. Baby

Well. It's another long work week (and I don't want to seem like a baby complaining)... but :) I picture the cat hanging from the branch. Yesterday (Monday) was a good day, long, but good. I was on plan and I went to the gym after work. Day started at 4:00am and got home at 8:30pm (in bed at 9:00pm). Hardly time to pat my husband on the head and kiss the dogs! But I'm empowered with the determination to get to the end of this road!

As with yesterday, my plan is to bring an extra large salad for lunch, then eat half at lunch and half around 5:00pm (I leave work at 6:00pm). That way I don't miss dinner. If I go to the gym, as I did yesterday, there is just no time to eat dinner otherwise.

So, progress report.. DOING GREAT


  1. Awesome!! I am glad you are feeling good and doing well. I start back to school on Friday and can feel your pain already..LOL..Hope the rest of your week is great!

  2. Great planning with the "big" salad, this way you are not eating too late and you can go to the gym! Take care of yourself. Hope this work schedule is not too much longer. XOXO Peggy

  3. Ugg - do I feel your pain brother when it comes to long work days lately. The weird thing is that I think about coming home all day at work just so I can get in my exercise. Me! Wanting to do exercise. What the heck?? When did that happen!!

    I for sure can feel a huge difference in my mental health when I exercise after work - it's the best way to dump all the mental crap from a long day at work. I don't just come home & whine about work anymore which makes Jane a happier person & a better spouse!
