Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Small Detour...

No worries... as for myself, I'm doing good, been on plan, lost 4 pounds this weighing period. I feel good.

My thoughts right now are really with Sunny Girl. I haven't spoken to her since her dad passed, but have text'd her a few times. I don't want to intrude on her and her family at this time. I will probably see her at the viewing on Tuesday evening.

This is the 'thick of it'. She is dealing with a situation which is one of the most stressful you can face. My father passed away 10 years ago at 64 from cancer, and it was one of the most difficult things I experienced.

I really don't care how she does 'on plan'. It's the thing that is the least important at this point. I love her, support her and will help to see her through this where I can. She's been preparing herself for this, but.. when the reality of the situation is 'in-your-face', all the preparation in the world will not make it any easier to handle.

Sunny, I love you, your family loves you, and this community loves and supports you. We will miss you while you are away from us, and anxiously await your return to the village. This is only a side-road, once traveled, it will bring you back to this road that we are on together.


  1. Don,

    Great post! THere has been some conversation regarding the weight loss journey on the bulletin board I hang out on and this past week here is what has been shared. This really isn't an "all or nothing" thing. It is a matter of learning a lifetime of balance. NONE of us will be 100% on program 100% of the time because we are all human beings and we just aren't wired that way. The name of the game is progress, not perfection. We must learn to love ourselves through the rough spots and not lose sight of the ultimate goal. You and Sunny Girl are both making strides and this setback she is experiencing right now is just a small blip on the radar.

    You both rock!


  2. Great news! Another 4 pounds gone, almost a package of flour, very heavy. With not as much exercise, you can still reduce your weight - amazing. Your step should be lighter. Keep up the good work and the positive thought. My new rule is if a person is always negative, I steer clear. I need all the positive I can get. Life is too short. Please give Sunny Girl a hug when you see her. XOXO Peggy
