Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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The Blog I Never Wanted To Write...

Every year around this time of the summer, I cook crabs in Tomato gravy. My brother is coming tomorrow and he is bringing the crabs, I will clean them and cook the gravy and of course, pasta. It's my favorite meal ever, partly because I grew up on it - my grandmother used to make it at her shore house every summer - and partly because it's just damn good!! I passed it up once this summer at a friend's house and it was very tough, I felt deprived and I haven't felt that way very often on this plan.

I was feeling guilty about having some this time out, but it's just plain unrealistic to think I can go on until the end without a little indulgence and then I remembered just how deprived I felt, how hard it was to sit there while everyone oooed and ahhed over how good it was. I remembered also that I won't have the chance to have it again for another year...*sigh*

I talked to Don briefly in text yesterday and told him I was going to have some spaghetti this weekend, yes, I was giving in!!!! and he completely understood, then I checked the box of spaghetti and realized that it's 42 carbs for 1/8 th of a box, which is probably 1/4 or 1/2 cup of cooked pasta!! That's more than 2 days worth of carbs for me.

I have done what I said I wouldn't do, and that's weigh. I gained 3 pounds staying on track and I know this pasta is probably going to set me back another few pounds if not more and I'm not happy about that, but I'm not going to let it get to me as I have in the past and I'm thinking that when I get right back on plan this coming Monday, my body will begin to lose again?....I sure hope so, because that's exactly what I am planning to do.

Anyway, this weigh-in on the first of Sept. should be a tough one to get through, but I'm confident that the tide will turn in my favor eventually. I'm not going to let it get me down, I am still in it to win it.

1 comment:

  1. Total deprivation will never lead to success. If you are feeling deprived it will only depress you, and could ultimately take your car right off the road. Do what you have to to get through the weekend, and then RIGHT BACK ON PLAN on Monday... I know you'll do that! Don't even weigh this period, is my opinion. It will only serve to undermine your confidence. Stand strong with your decision and just move forward from there. Enjoy every bite, Sunny Girl.. I know you don't see this as a 'reward', but enjoy it anyway.. and then move on.
