Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Preacher Don...

... Have you ever met that evangelical person, who just had to talk about their passion, and was so enthusiastic that it made you feel uncomfortable? You may have asked a question and expected maybe a half-thought-out, semi-disinterested answer, but instead, got a half hour on the person's perspective? Well...

Today at the gym, a friend of mine came into the sauna and started saying how good I looked, and how he could see how much weight I had lost. There was another guy in there, and he asked, 'How much have you lost?' and of course I said.. "75 pounds since the first of March". He gasped and said, "Well, how the hell did you do that?" He said he needed to loose about the same amount.

I began to tell him about my low-carber lifestyle, and ended up (as we were both sweating our asses off), preaching for about a half hour about choices, commitment, focus and determination... All he asked, was how I did it!!!

Finally, he left, said, 'Good luck' and 'Thanks for the inspiration'. I walked out feeling like the 'Low-Carber Billy Graham'... and a little embarrassed. Yesterday, I blogged about being passionate, but I think I went 'Just a little' overboard. I will try to be a little more subtle in the future.

What did this experience show me? Well, there is no doubt, at all, in my mind, that I am 'In-it-to-win-it'. I've never in my life been so determined or focused on a goal, any goal. I understand, though, that I have to 'pace' the enthusiasm, and not 'burn' myself out... and I surely do not want to be perceived as a fanatic.


  1. LOL, I am worried that I am becoming a "diet bore" and have to make a huge effort not to go on about it!

    You are doing so well, Don, no wonder you want to help other people too!

  2. Hi Don,
    It does feel wonderful when others notice our hard work and best of all it makes us all the more committed. I heard from a friend from HS today that has secretly been following my blog..I had no idea..she said what an inspiration..I was so excited to know I was making a difference in someone's life. So everytime you go to the Gym and someone says how much you have lost, you give others hope that they too can accomplish this. Good for you!! I love reading you and Sunny's post. You do inspire me as well.
    take care,

  3. Don't worry about people's perceptions...I know exactly what you mean, it can be very hard to make people understand the low carb concept. People are so used to the low fat concept, that it's hard to grasp what seems like the complete opposite, but God bless Dr. Atkins, it works...preach on, my brotha!!

  4. Hey Preacher Don,
    There is nothing wrong with being enthusiastic about something you feel so strongly about. Your feelings are coming from your inner most, so keep right on "preaching". You have lost 75!!!! amazing pounds since March which is an accomplishment you should be proud of. Wanting to share how you did it reinforces the process and your success. Choices, commitment, focus and determination got you where you are so you have to communicate all of that to explain your successful journey. I never tire from your comments in this blog. And you are inspiring me with what you have accomplished. Your enthusiasm is contagious. XOXO Peggy
