Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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When you wish upon a star....

I am so jazzed about going on vacation. Two weeks from today I'll be in sunny Florida at the Animal Kingdom Lodge, Disney USA.

I have spent so much energy and thought, focused on this journey that Sunny and I are on, staying on track, expanding my experience, changing my behaviors, and LOOSING WEIGHT...

I finally get to experience, really experience, the benefit of my actions. I know for the first time in 10 years, I'll be able to walk around at the park and Epcot and enjoy myself. I'm by no means 'slim', but 85 pounds less than the last time I was there is going to make a big difference. My loving partner will not have to go do all the great things alone. I may even be able to fit in some of those rides I've been wanting to go on.

My plan is to not deviate from my eating requirements, after all, they are a way of life now, not just something that I am doing temporarily to loose the weight. The exercise of walking all over the park and Epcot will, I'm sure, keep me on track concerning exercise. My goal is to go away on vacation, and come back thinner than when I left.. now wouldn't that be great!~

As a side note, I think it is time for me to commit to working out harder, not just in the pool now, but walking around the track, and starting to work out on some of the exercise machines. My hope is that I don't 'gain muscle weight', so I'll be doing lots of repetitions at lower weight, instead of trying to 'muscle build' with heavy weights/low reps. This is what I need to do to step-up to the next level, with my exercises.

The week was long, but good. I stayed on plan, but only got to the gym one night. I will go today and tomorrow. I get to go buy a few pieces of clothing for vacation today, that'll be great too!

Everyone have a great weekend.


  1. I cannot wait to hear about this vacation, I know it will be a totally different experience for you than they've been in the past and it will be for better of course. As far as doing well on plan, I know you will. The exercise being stepped up is another positive move forward as well. Everything is falling into place for you and I am thrilled!
    I'm also beside you every step of the way, don't ever doubt that!!

  2. You know, Animal Kingdom Lodge has a great gym and pool. I have used both. I like getting up in the early AM. The pool was empty. The gym can be busy, but there were lots of tread mills. They also had a great stepper. I know you are going to do so much more this trip. You have come so far. I am so proud of you and so happy for you. Start popping those extra vitamins so you stay healthy working all those extra hours. Hope you enjoyed shopping, you deserve some new clothes that fit! XOXO Peggy
