Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Welcome back... Babycakes!

Because I access this blog now mostly from a portal at work, I can't put comments in to existing blogs, so...

Sunny!! It's so good to have you back and blogging. I am so proud of your determination to 'stay-on-track' even through the darkest of times. You handled the entire period with grace and a strength and fortitude that I can only stand back and admire.

I was so glad to get to see you, even though the circumstances were not at all the best. You look 'Fabulous' as I wispered to you when I saw you. You are such an inpiration to myself, and everyone else here who has been concerned about you, who loves you and who wants you to succeed, and be well. So.. WELCOME BACK... You are loved.

I'm doing good on plan. I hate that I haven't had time to go to the gym, but will be there tomorrow (Saturday) without fail. I am going to try next week to go at least 2 times during the week, even though I'm working these long hours.


  1. Those long hours are grueling, I know...and never worry about comments, I know you're behind me, I know you're level of dedication.
    I am astounded that those who follow our blogs, not only leave comments, but that they truly care and it comes from the heart.

    I am a little surprised and disappointed however, that most of my friends never make it here. Well, no matter...we're here and that's all that matters.

  2. Phew - I don't know how you do it - a normal 8 hour day has me tired. grumpy and wanting to stay at home and stuff my face instead of working out, lol!

    Kudos for you for managing to make it to the gym, hope you get the whole weekend off!
