Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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One Day At a Time, One Foot In Front of The Other...

I am having a great day. I woke up and read the comment from my last blog left by Peggy and realized that I have the power to turn this negative into a positive. I did upper body workouts today, once in the morning and again in the afternoon, nothing strenuous mind you...but it was a good thing just to get moving and feeling like I was doing something to turn this around. Her comment made me realize that keeping myself busy instead of idle is the key to happiness in this case.

Depression can take hold of you and keep you in it's grip for a long time if all you do is dwell on the negative and I didn't do that at all today. I'm also not pushing my feelings of loss down either, which would only prolong the depression in the long run. I'm allowing myself the time to grieve, but I am incorporating exercise into my daily routine and feeling more like myself, happier even :)

One day at a time, I will rise above and do what I have to do in order to succeed and be happy, because after all, that's my goal....success & happiness!


  1. You go girl!!!! I know you can do it. One day at a time. A big hug for you today...Peggy

  2. Another day dawns. I hope you are doing ok. Keep strong and move that upper body any way you can. Clear your head and stay positive. We are so blessed and we need to stay focused on all the good things in our life, even if it is a beautiful flower blooming in your yard. I know you will get through these hard times and will be stronger. Another big hug coming your way.....Peggy

  3. amazing that you wrote this today....check out my new blog and pic!!! ;)
