Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


A day at a time...

Hi all. It's been another long 60 hour work week and it's really starting to dig into my energy reserves. I have never been the type of person that was 'all work and no play'... but for the last 3 weeks, with this schedule, I've pretty much been just working and sleeping (and still getting to the gym). This won't go on forever, only through the end of September, and I do have a week of vacation coming up Sept 12th (THANK GOD).

Anyway, I haven't been blogging or coming online as much as I have been, and it's because of my schedule, and not because I've slipped into a ditch, off the road. I'm still doing good on plan. The schedule is actually helping on that front, because I'm really forced to think ahead about what I need to prepare to eat each day. I'm still barreling down the road, in 5th gear and my tires are smoking! I feel good (emotionally and physically).. I'm just a bit over worked.


  1. Sounds like that vacation will be a very welcome and neccessary one. You're doing so well....I've never been more excited for someone else as I am for you. You're success is monumental and your attitude is uplifting and exactly what I need to keep going!

  2. WTG for staying on track even when you are soooo busy, if you can stay on track when you are stressed and working so hard then everyday normalcy will be easy. Keep up the good work, and start the countdown for the vacation.
