Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

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Ups and Downs

I don't even know where to begin with this blog today, but here goes.

I woke early today to find that my busiest day of the week is a very rainy one...just my luck (another bad hair day). I have a baby shower to go to today and then a birthday party for my adorable nephew tonight. I logged on and took a look at my last two blogs and they look like they were written by two different people and I'm feeling a little bi-polar right about now.

My emotions are up and down a lot lately, which is understandable I suppose, but unsettling. I weigh myself all the time now, which is not good because it's dictating my moods. I just really want to see a loss and it's not happening. I actually gained another pound today and I am begininning to think it might have something to do with menopause. Is that even possible?...I don't know.

I don't get much exercise because my partially torn achilles tendon keeps me from doing so. It's feeling better by the way, but is NOT healed. So maybe that's why I'm not losing anything. But gaining? I can't see why and it's driving me mad. I'm going to stop weighing myself and I am going to read up on the effect that menopause may have on losing weight, if there is any. Or could it be, as was suggested by one of our wonderful friends, that it's simply the stress I've had since losing my dad? Whatever it is, I will find a way out of this. I will lose again and I will be successful.

I've actually even thought about chucking this diet and eating normally for a while and then go back on the diet, but that doesn't make much sense since it will just set me back ten or fifteen pounds and I'd have to begin again, which is something I am not looking forward to. I've simply come too far for that! Instead of chucking the diet, I've chucked that idea!!

So, off to my parties and my busy, rainy day, my frizzy hair, my bi-polar attitude and my menopause (what a mess I am).....wish me luck.


  1. Hi Sunny Girl,
    Looking at the picture you put with your blog tells me alot. I have been where you are and really feel for you. I was telling Don that the low carb thing made me very depressed and I had to give it up. I am 51 and went through those body changes that women do. Emotions run very high and depression is very deep. I found exercise helped me. Getting the blood pumped seems to clear the head and lighten the soul. I know you have a foot problem, but try moving the arms in a sitting position each day, maybe raise a soup can over your head, five times a day, then seven times a day, etc. and work yourself up. You have that pool, so kick around that in this warm weather. The blues will get to you if you let them, and pull you down, so you must resist. I am sending you a hug and a prayer that you will break free. It is a chemical thing for women. Some vitamin supplements might help, check with your doctor. You have come a long way on this journey and I know you can make it. Try to stay positive. Big hug....Peggy

  2. Thank you so much,'ve no idea how this has inspired me to stay the course!!
