Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


The only life worth living...

.... is one that you are really passionate about!

I heard this today, and really, it sums it all up!

So, are you living a life full of passion? I don't mean the obvious when you may think 'passion'... I mean, the things you can't live without doing, the things that bring you personal joy, the things in your life that you do because you want to, not because you have to.

Have you asked yourself lately, 'What am I passionate about?' When is the last time you pursued something that brought you joy? Life can be so mundane and monotonous, especially if we let it.

I am in such a crazy place right now in my life. I'm working like crazy, I've changed my lifestyle and am loosing the fat that I've carried around for so many years. I am passionate about this journey, about the reality of success in my sights. I'm passionate about my life and my family.

Take time to think about what you are passionate about. If it's been a while since you did anything to promote that passion, think of new ways that you can do so! We all only have one life, we should make it one filled with joy and passion!


  1. I try to live everyday with a passion. I love this blog, it speaks to me, it speaks of the way I've always thought about life, passion is what makes life worth living....passion for life and all it has to offer!!!

  2. Amazing blog Don, sometimes we do lose what we are passionate for ... always waiting for something to happen. So glad you're doing well on this journey. you are an inspiration!! Don't work too hard ;o)

  3. Hi Sunny Girl,
    I am passionate about my family and friends. For without them life would mean nothing..Thank you for sharing a wonderful post.
