Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


Things.. they are a changing...

Hi all.

First, I apologize that it has been so long since my last post. I've been working long hours and getting ready for vacation, going to the gym and trying to keep my '.....' together. I am as committed to this journey as ever, and have been staying on plan. Even with the long hours at work, I got to the gym this week on Monday and Wednesday nights.

Sunny, thank you for keeping up with things while I am not able to blog as frequently! Also, thank you for the 'way-t0-go' blog about my progress, it was wonderful.

I feel myself changing in big ways. My energy is much better, I can walk without 'panting' after my first few steps and my overall 'outlook' on life in general is so much 'healthier'.

Vacation is less than a week away now. We're going to Atlantic City on Friday and then ... surprise, surprise... our vacation plans have changed.. We are now going on a Disney Cruise instead of going to the Animal Kingdom Lodge in FL. My partner looked at me last Sunday (from over the lid of his laptop) and said to me.. 'How would you like to go on a cruise..?'. We've been on several previous Disney cruises and have always loved them.

This will be such a 'cathartic' experience for me. You see, Sunny and I had decided that we really needed to take this 'journey' we are on, after going on a cruise together with our families in March of this year. Now, 6 months later, I'm 90 pounds lighter and going on a cruise again. I can only imagine how much different it will be for me physically. I am SO>>>> looking forward to the experience, instead of dreading the 'physical requirements' as I did last March.

Yes, things.. they are a changing.. and I'm loving every minute. By the way, I plan to stay on track during the vacation. I will take video and pictures, and post them on a page linked to the blog when I return, for all to enjoy.

Update (10:38am)... I just got done mowing the front and back yards. I'm hot and sweaty, but not out of breath or flop-down tired. Historical perspective: Last summer it would take me several attempts (with sit-down sessions) to mow the yards... Now.. talk about change~!


  1. Its been busy here too so I understand - that cruise sounds great and I can just imagine how much fun it will be for you this time around.

    Well done on keeping on with the diet now and during the vacay!

  2. I'm so jealous!! A cruise!! Yall will have just the best time I bet. Be sure to post some photo's of your trip! I'm so excited for you Don!

    We'e been purposely postponing taking a vacation & it's gnawing at me until we finally take a vacation again...I must live vicariously through you & your trip!

    Yall have a great time!!

  3. You will soooo have yourself in control this trip. Your body progress is (visually) staggering and your emotional progress is so uplifting, you've come so far, staying on track will be a piece of filet mignon for you *wink* !

    I hope all your days are sunny ones cuz, enjoy!!

    I can just see him looking over his laptop ... with that twinkle in his eye :^)

  4. Your journey continues, on the seas instead of the land. Your current photos are remarkable. Looking forward to seeing your photos of the trip. Keep a log on the ship of your daily experiences and how much more you enjoy this trip. I would love to see your entree choices on the cruise and also your excercise plan. I will be thinking of you next week, just knowing you are enjoying the new "you" during the cruise and where it will take you. Just remember my ship sails right after you so I will pick up the "Magic" where you leave off!!!
    Love to you both, ENJOY....Peggy
