Sunny Girl and I are on a continuing journey down a road which will lead us to ultimate weight-loss success. We invite you to join us. We strive to live healthier lives as we loose the weight which has held us back for so long.

Village Members..


The future gets brighter ... every single day!

This journey, up to now, has been so uplifting. It continues to drive me to success. Today was a good day (Sunday)... I stayed on plan as usual, and got to the gym.

I again had to go out and buy more clothes for work. All of my shirts are hanging off of me, so I bit the bullet and got some new ones. It was a great feeling. Saturday we went to a BBQ with friends we haven't seen since the holidays last year. Four different couples all were stunned at how different I looked, and every time they 'marveled' over my loss, I felt so proud and happy.

One of my friends there said, "The difficult part will come when people stop noticing, stop praising you for your accomplishments". I understood where she was coming from, but, at the same time, I'm not in this for the praise, and although it goes a long way to motivating me, it is not what 'sustains' me. My inner pride in my accomplishments, my new control and my dedication to my own journey.. is what keeps me on track, and will keep me there for the rest of my life. The rest.... well.... it's just gravy~!


  1. You'll be just fine when the praise stops, that's not what you're doing it for...besides, I'll praise you 'til the end of time and Im sure Ed will as well!

  2. And you will have a healthier and happier life as a resullt of all the great choices you are now making. I can see how much more positive your outlook is since the beginning of the blog. I guess losing 95+ pounds helps that outlook. Proof is in the pudding (just don't eat it). Your growing self confidence shines through all you write. And your self control on the cruise was amazing. I really enjoyed your meal video and all the pictures. Such great memories. I actually ate some of the same meals you did. Life is good and I am so glad you are living it to the fullest. XOXO Peggy

  3. I love the picture above. A sunrise or sunset depending on which coast you are on. It made my day. Thanks. Peggy
